"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot

"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot

"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot

"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot

"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot
Inspiring Jessica
So whilst on my travels in Australia I was taken to a friend's family house in which my friend's sister Jessica lives. Jessica is also a keen photographer and we spent some time in conversation talking about various photography topics and projects. I had a fantastic time with the family but eventually had to leave to head back to Scotland. Having kept in touch, Jessica was discussing a project she had just started: 365-Photography in which the idea is to take a photograph every single day for the 365 days of the year. At first she started out strong and some of the imagery she produced inspired me, but she also mentioned that it was hard coming up with new ideas all the time. At the same time I was involved with a photography club and our monthy challenge was a word that we could interpret any way we wanted. This month's word was "Expressions" and I figured that most photographers would go for facial expressions. I decided that as I was free to interpret this word in any way I wanted that it would be the name of a fictional perfume product. Thus the ficticious brand Jessica V was born. This was videoed (badly!) to show Jessica what I was currently involved with and... to hopefully inspire her a bit during her year of photography.

"Expressions" Jessica V Photoshoot